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Waste Management Workshops
Proper waste disposal is critical due to the fact that certain types of wastes can be hazardous and can contaminate the environment if not handled properly.
The well-being of our society is dependent on the improvement of issues such as garbage disposal and waste-management. Through our workshops, we seek to bring awareness to the gravity of the issue and teach different ways of tackling it by educating people on the topics of waste-management, waste-segregation, garbage disposal and recycling of garbage in a manner that is fun and entertaining.
Our primary audience is teachers and students, who we think play the most important role in shaping the future. Therefore our workshops are divided into two main categories, Waste Management Workshops for Teachers and Waste Management Workshops for Kids – Magic Box.
Waste Management for Teachers
These workshops are aimed at ‘teaching the teachers’. We believe this to be the most effective way to reach a larger number of students and their families. The teachers were taught various techniques to reuse, reduce and recycle in their schools, homes and communities as well as the different ways of dealing with dry waste.
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Waste Management for Kids - Magic Box
The education of children plays an important part in shaping our future. Hence, we seek to educate them on matters such as garbage disposal and waste management so they know the right way of tacking such issues. We also actively seek to do these activities in rural areas so that we can further the growth of this mindset.
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