Communicare Trust in Association with Toxics Link New Delhi has, as of 15th March 2016, organized the E-waste Awareness Workshop in 50 schools across the state of Goa. The response from schools was overwhelmingly positive with the students being able to learn easily through the provided teaching tools.
The schools believe that the concept of the workshop is brilliant. People were completely unaware of the existing e-waste management rules and proper methods of disposal, due to which our workshops were much appreciated.
There was a similar response from schools regarding the execution of the workshop by the organizers. The innovative teaching methods and games were held in high regard. We had to be flexible in order to cover maximum within the assigned time period.
Student engagement was positive. The enthusiasm among the students was palpable and they built up their own interest regarding the topic of e-Waste management.
Most teachers also suggested that it was not just sufficient to hold the workshops but also to do a follow up after a certain amount of time, as well as assist in the organization of collection drives or bring the schools in contact with established Authorised Recyclers in the area. They also requested that in the future the number of gifts and incentives be increased to include all participants.
Overall the response was positive and many have requested more such workshops that would include not only more students but have teacher participation as well. The program was well appreciated by a vast majority of schools. There are still many schools in the state that we have not reached, that need training in the concept of e-waste and we hope this program continues to include the students of Goa in the future.