Communicare Trust unveiled the book ‘Histórias Daqui e Dali’, which translates into ‘Stories from Here and Beyond’ arising out of a unique collaborative project involving school students from India and Portugal. Authored in four languages English, Portuguese, Konkani and Hindi, the book includes stories and illustrations penned by school students on the subject of water pollution. The book takes the reader on a journey across rivers and oceans and attempts to inspire readers to develop innovative ways to reduce water pollution.

The book authored by 400 (200 from each school) students from two schools, Auxilium High School, Caranzalem, Goa and Alberta Menéres School located in Sintra, Portugal focuses on water pollution and the problems it causes. The book offers the reader a peak into the thoughts and aspirations of children between ages 10 to 12 years and their views on water pollution. In order to be accessible to a larger number of children, the book is authored in four languages – English, Portuguese, Konkani and Hindi.

Stories from Here and Beyond I

Released: 22nd March 2018

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