

Podcasts are a simple and digestible media form, and it is extremely easy to multitask while listening to them. In our language podcasts, we will discuss  interesting facts about Languages and sometimes even Grammar.

In this podcast, the host, Nalini Elvino de Sousa is the anchor of the second quiz and the contestants are Marina Nédio and Pedro Pombo. Guess what Pedro’s profession is?


The contestant Marina can ask 10 questions to Pedro after which Marina has to guess Pedro’s profession. Marina does not guess and we will leave to our listeners to guess what is Pedro’s profession hereby continuing the competition amongst our listeners.

Duration: 40:29


Nalini: Hello and welcome to Travel and Learn Goa. My name is Nalini Elvino de Sousa.
Travel and Learn is a podcast for travellers and language lovers. We have 2 different
sections: one is travelling and the other is language. In the language section we have 3 levels: easy, medium and hard. Today’s podcast level is easy and it is a QUIZ: qual é a tua profissão.

After listening to the quiz there will be one question. Do write us back with the answer. Our
email is:

For this quiz I invited two friends: Marina Nédio from Portugal and Pedro Pombo also from
Portugal but right now in Goa. Bem-vindos à competição Qual é a tua profissão!
A concorrente de hoje chama-se Marina e é de Aveiro. Boa tarde Marina!

Marina: Boa tarde.

Nalini: A Marina vai tentar saber qual é a profissão do Pedro.

Nalini: Boa tarde, Pedro!


  • Share with us the answer and be part of this competition

Drop a comment or suggestion!


Follow any of the links to learn more about the vocabulary associated to professions: