What people say?

Festejar os sete anos da Communicare é algo que só poderei fazer à distância. E tenho pena. Mas é também oportunidade de celebrar em mim o seu significado. Há três anos atrás, a sua existência era para mim desconhecida, mas foi aqui que reencontrei o que de melhor tenho e posso dar. A Communicare foi mais do que a oportunidade de ensinar a língua portuguesa: foi entender que num mundo tão moderno e atarefado e inteligente nos esquecemos da básica necessidade do ser humano em comunicar. Aprender línguas é, por isso, de extrema importância.Porque atrás da língua vem a cultura, a identidade e todo um novo entendimento sobre nós e sobre os outros. Se dizer que trabalhar na Communicare mudou a minha vida parece exagerado, partilho convosco que cheguei a Goa bancária, mas regressei a Portugal com novas certezas. Passados dois anos sou professora de português tanto a portugueses como a estrangeiros.
Joanna Marto
Portuguese Teacher
I always dreamed of visiting the exotic country one day. But my journey wasn’t just a travel thing! I took a chance from AIESEC, an international students organization that co-operates with Communicare. Back then, they were looking for a teacher of Russian language. And it surprised me how people in Goa want to learn Russian for communication. Thinking of the tourist department,tI realized, yes, they absolutely need it! So many Russians in Goa! But do you know that Russian is one of the most difficult languages to learn, especially the grammar? During my classes, all the students showed incredible results! They picked up the grammar and vocabulary very fast. They even tried singing songs and learned proverbs by heart. J When I first came to Goa I was so excited about everything: beautiful nature, greenery, smiling and kind-hearted people, amazing culture! I couldn’t believe it was all around me! Communicare team became my 2nd family. They took care of me. Helped me with stay, food, where to go and where not to go! They coordinated and took part in making a special issue of the book called “Basic Russian language course.”
Vera Firsova
Russian Teacher
Communicare Trust’s Food Bank was 1st of its kind. I was really happy to be a part of it. We generated a lot of food. I didn’t expect it would go upto 1 ton. When the food was delivered to the orphanages it was really nice to see the smile on their faces. Hope the Goans can continue to lend their support to the children of Goa.
Datta Naik
Foi das melhores experiências da minha vida! Adorei Goa, as monções, o calor, a comida, conduzir, as pessoas! Adorei a experiência de ensinar, os meus alunos. Principalmente o que aprendi com eles! O carinho que tiveram comigo. Como procuravam palavras em concani iguais às portuguesas e me as traziam como raminhos para fazer um ninho de linguas. O cuidado que tinham em que eu não me perdesse nos caminhos que percorria, debaixo de chuvas torrencias, quando ainda vivia em Calangunte e tinha de fazer uma data de km para voltar para casa, ou quando me entusiasmava a falar e deixava passar a hora de saída.Foram meses que passaram num ápice! Foi uma época de aprendizagem da qual saí uma melhor pessoa.Graças a Goa, graças aos meus alunos, graças a todos os que conheci nesse cantinho do mundo. Parabéns pelos 7 anos da Communicare.É um número mágico. Abraços
Isabel Duarte Ferreira
Portuguese Teacher
Dear Communicare and Sara, Thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn Portuguese. The language was made so very easy because of your help and support. Learning Portuguese from you so well made me feel like going to Portugal. Thank you for making my dream of learning Portuguese come true. It was really a great experience for me and I wish to continue to learn the language more the next time I come to Goa. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!!
Aaron Manama
Student from Bahrain
Portuguese culture is today so imbibed in the lives of Goans that it is difficult to imagine Goa without its Portuguese connection. Being a Goan born and bred, I always had this penchant to converse in Portuguese if not fluently as least to get attuned to the minimal needed to get along My tryst with Ms. Nalini de Sousa began when she agreed to take some time off her busy schedule and help me unlock my innate desire to learn to speak this beautiful language. I thoroughly enjoyed Nalini’s class and always looked forward to the session. She gave me the confidence to have sit-down table conversations on simple day to day affairs. What I truly enjoyed was the level of comfort she created around which encouraged me to speak without fear. Communicare Trust, this is just the tip of the iceberg which you have initiated. I have miles to go and indeed that is possible only if I continue speaking and remain connected through books, television and the like. I thank you immensely for your committed efforts and indeed look forward to some more interactive sessions in the near future. Abraços e agradecimentos,
Cheryl Alvares